When you need a little help from your Expert Fraud & Revenue Assurance Partner!
Sometimes you just need a little push to get going. OpTech is here to help you get started. Our experts will set the Alarms, Rules, and initial Fraud & Revenue Assurance Design scenarios to get you off on the right foot. Always taking into thoughtful consideration your detailed Network requirements.
The Optech Service engineers will oversee the FAST Fraud System for you, reviewing the Alarms, and Analyzing the Data. We will alert you of any suspicious activity, so you can take the proper action to retain your revenue.
OpTech acts as your Expert Fraud Partner. We install the FAST system tailored for your particular Network. Next, we oversee the FAST system and give you all the critical information you need to make the final Decisions. We have your very best interests in mind!
"Managed Services" - Rely on your Trusted Partner.
When you need a little expert guidance, or someone to lean on you can trust. OpTech is your expert business partner. We listen to your Fraud concerns, we hear your anguish, we know the pain and the revenue drain, and we absolutely want to help.
Our team of experts will custom tailor a Fraud Analysis System for your particular requirements. We will set the Rules and then continually fine-tune them over time. The FAST AI-System learns and optimizes, under the careful guidance of our expert service engineers, who oversee the FAST System 24/7.
You can rest comfortably, when you are in the hands of your trusted partner. Together, we fight the criminals attacking your network. We at OpTech are happy to fight this battle with you.