Can you hear me now?
Customers are hard to get and you desperately want them to stay, but let´s face the facts, they get frustrated easily. The last thing a customer ever wants is to worry about their Network Connections. What they want is to have their Call Connect Quickly and start a pleasant conversation. Every customer expects this service. If they don´t get it, watch out, they might just leave.
The Network Operator, on the other hand, always should be concerned with Connection Time, Dropped Calls, Call Speed, and Overall Network Quality. When a Network Operator loses control, they tend to make very frustrated customers. And before the Operator knows it, their customers will move to another Network.
Luckily, your trusted OpTech Informatik partner is here to help solve these problems. And we help you with all of these problems before your customer even notices. There is an abundance of useful information in call records that can be mined to address Network Functionality and Overall Quality. OpTech has the technology and processing power to make this information beneficial to the Network Operator.
No customer ever wants to hear Static, Crackling, or Dead Space. They just want to talk to their friends and family.
Customers want speedy Trouble Free connections. For them, their time is too valuable. They hate to wait.
When the customer spends too much time with, Can you hear me know?, their Network Satisfaction suffers. If you are not careful, they will find another Network provider.
The "FAST-Customer Satisfaction Module" at your Service.

OpTech integrates the Big Data power and speed of FAST, with a SQL Database, and make the "SMART" Reporting Module. With this added functionality, we quickly analyze overall Network Performance (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G radio, data transmission, switches, roaming, etc.) Then generate over 200 custom reports to answer the Where?, When?, Why? and How? questions..
Where is the Network Breaking Down? When is this happening? Why are calls being Dropped? And, How can we Fix this? Of course, the data can be refined to generate the "SMART" Reports, which are of the upmost importance to your particular Network situation.
Get to the bottom of what is going on in Your Network, before your Customer notices. OpTech´s expertise helps you ensure your Customers Satisfaction!
Your Network deserves that 5-Star rating!